From Centerville Turnpike and Mount Pleasant Road - Starting at intersection head East on Mount Pleasant Rd. After entering Virginia Beach (crossing North Landing Bridge), the Road name changes to North Landing Road. Proceed to Indian River Road (1st Stop Light) and turn Right. Follow for 2.7 miles and turn right (flashing yellow light) onto West Neck Road. Follow for 1.5 miles and turn right (at a curve) onto West Landing Road. There is a sign at the turn for the marina. Follow for 1 mile. Road ends at Marina.
From Centerville Turnpike and Mount Pleasant Road - Take Mount Pleasant Rd East (4.5 miles), turn right onto Fentress Airfield Rd and go .15 miles and turn left onto Blackwater Rd. for 7 miles. Turn left onto Pungo Ferry Rd. and turn right onto Princess Anne for 3 miles. Turn right onto Munden Point Rd. and park is about 1 mile.